miércoles, 3 de abril de 2019


Definition of electricity  : elcetricity is a type of energy than can  accumulate in one  place fow from one place  to another  .

Types of elctricity

   Satic electricity (does not move)

Resultado de imagen de static electricity

  Current elcetricity ( does  move)

Resultado de imagen de current electricity

Electrical changes : negative and positive

  • Negative elctrical change →negatively charged 
  • Electrical charge ⇾positively charged 
Positive charged  = negative cgarged  ⇾ neutra                                               


  14-. With these words I say if they are renewable energy or non-renewable energ

solar ,wind ,nuclear, coal ,biomass, petroleim

          RENEWABLE ENERGY                         NON- RENEWABLE ENERGY


Electricity can be dangerous 

  • Never stickscissors ,pens , fingers or anything else into a mains secket .
  • Never touch switches with wet hands .
  • Never use electrical appliances near water .
  • Always hold the plastic part of a plug when plugging in and unplugging appliances.

Resultado de imagen de fotos de enchufes

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